Road Trip Driving Tips

Thursday, August 11, 2022 12:00 AM


If you’re planning a road trip, you’ll want to ensure that you and the passengers in your vehicle stay safe. Whether you’re traveling within the Sunshine State or adventuring out of state, traffic spikes will occur due to people taking road trips. With more cars on the road and drivers unfamiliar with traffic patterns or laws, the risk of an accident is higher.

You can’t always protect yourself against someone else’s dangerous behavior, but you can do your part by minimizing your risk as much as possible. 

Ways To Stay Safe On The Road
Remember “The Rules Of The Road”

While driving laws vary from place to place, US driving laws tend to be consistent across the country. However, if you’re taking a long road trip, it may be helpful to look into driving laws in the states you visit. You don’t want to be pulled over or ticketed for something you didn’t know.

Get A Tune-Up

When’s the last time your vehicle had new tires? It’s a good idea to inspect them before you go on a road trip. To determine your vehicle’s recommended tire pressure, consult your owner’s manual. Low tire pressure can lead to blowouts, posing a serious safety risk.

For an oil change and tire rotation, visit the shop. A mechanic will perform a complete checkup while you’re there. You may also want them to check your air conditioner, belts, fluids, and battery.

Take Turns

The driving responsibility shouldn’t fall on just one person on long-haul trips. The front seat passenger should be responsible for navigation and keep an eye on the driver to ensure they are awake and alert.

Safety First

Make sure you have your emergency safety kit. The kit should stock a variety of items, including:

  • Fire extinguisher
  • Road flares
  • Jumper cables
  • Rain ponchos
  • Tarp
  • Flashlights and additional batteries
  • Duct tape
  • Rags
  • Baby wipes without scent
  • Multi-purpose tool
  • Non-perishable snacks and water
  • Tools to Change a Tire
  • Mobile phone charger

You may also consider having the following items in your first aid kit.

  • Band-Aids
  • Antiseptic
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Bug spray
  • Cotton balls
  • Tweezers
  • Gauze pads
  • Aspirin
  • Ace bandage

Traveling With Children

Traveling with children can add extra stress to your road trip. Check the conditions of the back seat before planning your family’s haul trip:  

  • Ensure that car seats are installed correctly. Locate a station for child car seat inspection near you if you’re not sure the seats are buckled in properly. 
  • Enable the safety locks on doors and windows. 
  • Remove potential choking hazards such as knobs or loose change in the seat cushions.
  • Get rid of any projectiles your child may throw at the vehicle while it is moving.

When you travel with kids, it is important to stop often – not just for snacks and to use the bathroom, but also for entertainment and fun.

Pets On Board

If you’re traveling with pets, ensure they’re secured in the backseat. When it is time to stop, do not leave your pet in your car. Summer temperatures can cause cars to heat up quickly, which can cause health problems for your pets. Instead, take your furry friends for a snack or a bathroom break!

Gas Up

Don’t wait until you get on E to fill up your tank. If you see a gas station on your route, stop by and gas up! It is impossible to predict when you’ll pass another gas station, so it is best to be safe than sorry. To reduce gas costs, minimize the number of times you stop and start your vehicle. 

Watch Your Speed

While it might be tempting to speed on open roads, it is best not to. It is dangerous, and speed limits can vary across all areas. Before your trip, download an app (e.g., Waze, Apple Maps) to notify you if your speed exceeds the road’s limit. These apps will also inform you of speed traps and accidents on the road ahead. 

Ignore Phone Calls

In this age of technology, it is not an easy task. Even though you may have hands-free capabilities in your car or phone, it is best not to take calls—distractions such as talking on the phone while driving can result in an accident. Pull over to a safe area to make an important call or send a message to someone.

Focus On The Road

An increasing number of motor vehicle accidents are caused by distracted driving. Make a plan for your entire trip ahead of time so you don’t have to worry about where you are going and can focus on the road. Look far enough to see the road ahead so you can spot dangers and have time for reaction.

Attorneys You Can Talk To!

Accidents happen, and when they do, you and your family will have questions about your rights and their impact on your life. The attorneys at Doran, Beam & Farrell, PA, understand your concerns and are ready to answer any questions or address concerns that you may have about your claim. To schedule a FREE consultation, call us at (727) 846-1000 or complete our online contact form


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